We've got another look at the awesome stuff available until September 5th at the Cart Sale event on The Wash sim. There are over 80 designers from all over SL taking part in this event. All items are 10L or under - and there are some real STEALS to be had for the discriminating shopper! The designers are offering up a bit of everything: from clothing, shapes, hair and accessories to furniture and skyboxes and builds of every description.
A link has been provided just above the pictures to the official blog's list of direct cart SLurls (for those carts who provided them). Use the slurls to teleport directly to the cart you are looking for or just to get on sim. We recommend just heading over and checking it out. There are a TON of stores who did not send in items to be included in the blog, so there is a lot of stuff we can't show you here in the blogs.
Cheers and Happy Shopping!
~Shadowed and Thanos
I had hoped there would be hunts for september but this shows nothing new. :(