
Hi there and welcome to Freebie Hunters! One of our favorite pastimes in Second Life is scouting the grid for fantastic hunts, sales, events and gifts from all the wonderful creators. We thought we'd share the wealth and showcase some of our finds in this blog, with an emphasis on the goodies available in various SL events and hunts. We do our best to show ALL items from a hunt/event and in the manner the creator intended, but this is not always possible.

***UPDATE August, 2018- We are still finding freebie/nearly free items to share with you, but due to RL time constraints, a lot of what we find is being posted solely on Flickr. If you would like to follow the events being posted there, here is a link to the album page for our account: Flickr Albums. These are not blog posts, but simply pictures of the gifts available. Thank you!

Thank You to all of the creators!

Thursday, June 12

Random Bloggables

Its that time of year when all the plants are in bloom outside, the days are getting hotter and hotter, the cicadas provide a constant background hum, and time slows down just a bit because its summer. RVi Designs has some terrific new items that can bring a bit of the summer feel to your SL for incredibly low land impact.

They have just released a new series of mesh potting plants that look absolutely gorgeous. There are 7 different pot/soil/plant/gardening tool combinations which are available separately for 100L each or in a fatpack for 350L. Each set has a land impact of 0.5, which means you can rez out a bunch of them without compromising prim counts.

I also found a series of gorgeous tulips in a variety of tub planters. These are mesh, with a land impact of 0.5 per flower-filled tub. Each of the three styles is available for 100L. As with the potted plants, these would be a great way to add a splash of color and texture to your summer SL landscape.

RVi Designs can be found in-world HERE or on marketplace HERE.


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