
Hi there and welcome to Freebie Hunters! One of our favorite pastimes in Second Life is scouting the grid for fantastic hunts, sales, events and gifts from all the wonderful creators. We thought we'd share the wealth and showcase some of our finds in this blog, with an emphasis on the goodies available in various SL events and hunts. We do our best to show ALL items from a hunt/event and in the manner the creator intended, but this is not always possible.

***UPDATE August, 2018- We are still finding freebie/nearly free items to share with you, but due to RL time constraints, a lot of what we find is being posted solely on Flickr. If you would like to follow the events being posted there, here is a link to the album page for our account: Flickr Albums. These are not blog posts, but simply pictures of the gifts available. Thank you!

Thank You to all of the creators!

Monday, September 8

Twisted Time Warp, pt. 8

We're coming into the home stretch of this round's blogging for the Twisted Time Warp Hunt. Even if you have never done a Twisted before, you really do not want to miss this one - the sheer volume of goodies is unprecedented in Twisted history and most likely will never be repeated. Hunt stuff aside, Twisted is an incredible social event too. Because group chat is used for getting the store hints, you have the chance to get to know the people behind the hunt, the cadre of hunt assistants, and the general lunatics who populate the Twisted world. You'll make friends and hunt buddies. Best of all, when Twisted is over, those people will stay your friends because the Twisted chat never really shuts down - there is almost always a conversation going in there.

Also - we've blogged an enormous amount of stuff over the last week or so. However, what we've shown only represents about half (maybe a touch over half) of the stores taking part in the hunt. There are scads of gifts, gachas, extras out there just waiting to be discovered.


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